Mole Game
A crew of up to five moles must mine and shoot their way through a subterranean earth in the distant future in order to become the baddest miners around. The main objective is to incentivize teamwork by making sure nobody has all the information they require at any given time, necessitating coordination and communication.
Some 30 million years ago a cataclysm of unprecedented magnitude put life on earth to the ultimate test. After a series of continent-rending earthquakes tore the surface to ribbons the earth’s protective magnetic field waned, stripping away most of its atmosphere and allowing deadly cosmic radiation to bombard soil.
The only creatures that survived were those who could live deep below the ground, those who never yearned to feel the warmth of sunlight on their faces. Those who could dig would inherit the earth.
The engineer maintains the ship and endeavours to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of the old girl.
Minute-to-minute gameplay:
-Maintaining the ship's systems as they degrade.
-Routing the ship’s power to the necessary systems.
-Repairing damage done to the ship’s core systems.
-Routing the ship’s power to the necessary systems.
-Overclocking the engine to squeeze emergency power from it.
-Keeping the engines from overheating.
The Helmsman steers the ship and operates the long range radar
Minute-to-minute gameplay:
-Communicating with foreign ships.
-Manoeuvring around obstacles like rocks and non-tunnellable terrain.
-Manoeuvring toward gemstones while remaining far enough for the Gunner’s explosives to be used.
-Collecting gems once they’ve been freed from stone.
-Relaying information to Gunner on scanned targets.
-Manoeuvring out of the path of enemy torpedoes.
-Providing a clean shot for the Gunner.
-Manoeuvring the ship behind objects that block enemy sensors in order to escape.
-Picking up slack around the ship by leaving the controls.
The Gunner man’s the guns, repels borders and cracks open gemstones using the mining cannon. Operates the short range sonar.
Minute-to-minute gameplay:
-Firing the mining cannon at rocks in order to access the sweet, sweet gems inside.
-Relaying information from the sonar to the Helmsman.
-Shooting down enemies.
-Repelling borders with his personal arsenal of weaponry.
-Leading the boarding party against disabled enemy ships.